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AS OF 12/03/2024: Our Bonsai Year has ended!   Our Annual Business Meeting is 12/14/2024.  Anyone may attend and/or submit an application to join at the meeting (cash or check is acceptable).

An EXAMPLE Schedule for the Bonsai Society of Greater Kansas City is available.

View/download at the link below! 

During each new year details and program information are updated as needed so watch for the new 2025 schedule in January! 

IF you are not a member, and would like to attend, use the contact form!

EXAMPLE Schedule from 2024

Information From 2024:

Schedule: please note the specific times for each activity.  Updates will be made on a regular basis including details OR cancellation.

Society Activities, times and locations, are included and are based on what we know as of the above date.  If there are any questions in regard to the schedule, please us the contact form!

FYI – WHEN WE HAVE IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS: When bringing trees to work on, in a scheduled public workshop, OR when participating as a Student in a pre-registered (member only) Master Class event it is the responsibility of each participant to clean up after oneself, prior to leaving. We need to ensure that we leave the room exactly how we found it. Thank you for your understanding and most importantly your cooperation. -BSGKC

For those, members and non-members, who want to know more about our Master Weekend Events, download our useful tutorial on What to Expect for a Master Event (What is a Master Weekend). Please NOTE: This activity will continue to be modified as needed!